Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's been a while's been 2 weeks since I posted last and I'm still too busy right now to really spend any time here. Been working on a sleeveless (i.e. vest) version of Blackberry. I may have to make the sweater someday too. I had to make a lot of modifications to make it into a vest but I think it worked. I am working on the ribbed border right now and hope to be wearing it by Christmas. I put all other projects (those for people other than me) on hold and am focusing on me me me...well, except for hubby's hat redo and a little sweater for C's dolly.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Scarf is Done

Scarf for my sister is complete. I finally settled on a lace pattern that I hobbled together from a Berocco pattern and from some stitch patterns in the Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches. The original idea with the short row, zig zag was that the correct use of the term to frog? I do really like the pattern but I think the pink alpaca was just the wrong yarn for it. So here's the scarf...I haven't blocked it yet but overall I really like it. I also added ruffles to each end because I felt it really needed some ruffles. I like ruffles. My photography skills are pretty weak..I'm working on it. Doesn't the pink look pretty against my forest green carpet (I'm being sarcastic for those who don't know me and how much I hate the disgusting carpet in my living room).

Here's a better shot of the lace pattern...a little blury but hey.

As I said I hobbled this pattern together and did it on the fly. So what I've done is provided a cleaned up version of the scarf without the Berocco portions because I think it just confuses things and I don't think it is necessary to have a lovely scarf! I like the Berocco pattern but I think it is better on its own. Here is the long version with the Berocco portions if you are so inclined.


2 skeins Misti Alpaca Bulky (about 200 yards)
3-4 st/inch on #13 needles
Finished size is about 7" wide by 60" long

This pattern has 2 components...the Border Pattern which forms the right and left edges/border of the scarf and the Inset Lace Pattern which makes up the center portion. I hope this isn't confusing it was just easier to write this way without a chart I guess.

Row 1 (RS): K2, yo, sl1, k1, psso k1 p1 [Row 1 INSET LACE PATTERN] p1, k1, k2tog, yo, k2
Row 2: k2, p3, k1 [Row 2 of INSET LACE PATTERN] k1, p3, k2
Row 3: Rep Row 1 using Row 3 of INSET LACE PATTERN
Row 4: Rep Row 2 using Row 4 of INSET LACE PATTERN

Row 1 (RS): P1, yo, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, yfrn, p1
Row 2: K1, P5, K1
Row 3: P1, k1, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k1, p1
Row 4: K1, p5, k1

yfrn = yarn over right needle and around so as to purl next stitch

CO 19
K 2 rows

Work rows 1-4 of the Border pattern with Inset Lace Pattern until you have reached the desired length end with row 4 of the pattern then k2 rows
BO loosely

Pick up 19 stitches along bound off edge
knit 1 row (knit more rows if you want a bigger ruffle)
On next row increase by knitting into the front and back of every stitch.
Rep increase row.
BO Loosely.

Tie in ends, block lightly. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

In between knitting projects

I am in a very bad place right now. It is the space between a completed knitting projects (ok, I do have to sew in the ends and block but the real knitting part is done) and my next project. I've got the yarn and I've got lots of ideas...but I don't really know which to start. So instead of trying to actually start something I'm here writing about this yucky feeling I have when I can't just scoop up my knitting bag and knit. Instead I'm looking at books and patterns, doing swatches and taking notes. I'm in agony. I'm also starting to feel like I really shouldn't do too much serious knitting for other people (beyond hats, scarves and socks I think). In fact I feel like all I ever do is knit for other people. So maybe I just need to sit down and knit something for me. Like this sweater. Yum.

Just love this pic

Charlotte with her cousin Hollin when she came to visit in September. Also testing this cool feature in Picasa (from Google) that lets you just click a button and blog a pic! Cool.
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Boring Blog

So I am beginning to realize that my blog is pretty darn boring. I don't have many pictures or interesting content. Even the name is a little dull. I am trying to get more exciting stuff out here...but I'm tired. Very tired.