Monday, November 21, 2005

Sissy's Scarf

Let me start by saying that I HATE KNITTING SCARVES. I don't know why. They seem to be the ubiquitous first knitting project and I generally only like to knit if I'm learning/doing something new. I made a scarf once and ripped it out. I spend countless hours searching for interesting scarf patterns...but none of them speak to me...well some of them do but I can't seem to find one that's right for my sissy. There's the super easy beginner fur or homespun...garter stitch until you have arthritis. Simple ribbed. Maybe something with a little lace or other open work. But I can never settle! So anyway. Here's a pic of my first attempt.
I like this pattern but I don't think the yarn I'm using is right (really like the yarn used in the pattern pic). The pattern is also a little tedious (all short rows, lots of counting and keeping track). So now I'm curled up with the Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches (so old that Amazon doesn't even have a pic of it) and trying to design my own pattern. For a scarf. I'm pathetic. I also really want to do a ruffle at the edges (I like ruffles) so I ordered Knitting On (also ordered Over) The Edge. I could come up with one on my own but I just needed an excuse for dh to explain why I needed the books.


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