It seems when life is going relatively smoothly I have so little to say out here...writing always worked that way for me. Spring is finally here, I have no pregnancy related complaints (except my friggin' back but the chiropractor will hopefully fix that), my little beauty is great and so is dh (at least it seems that way in the 2 hours a day I see him). We're working on the business plan for our business idea (online rentals of Digital SLR lenses...really need a good name) and continuing to "renovate" the house.
Finally finished removing the horrid lighthouse-border from the Family Room, painted the room and even began the enormous task of painting the retro-dark-stained wood trim/moldings white. It looks so for the rest of the house. I probably shouldn't be painting at all but I take a lot of breaks and keep the windows open (even if it means letting the house temp get down to about 50 degrees).
Next project is the kitchen. Holy crap do I hate wall paper. The previous owners...the ones responsible for all the wall right up the street. I was tempted a few times to drag them from their homes and force them to remove it. My dear mama said she might be able to come and help us paint/watch Charlotte. Yay.
We are still working on names for baby girl #2. Nothing is sticking. I have some preliminary ideas but keep searching until one name just seems to stay in my head. Interestingly I find myself referring to her by one of the names I used to like but had decided against. Guess I shouldn't have been so hasty. So what are the names...Noelle, Margot, Veronica, Rosemary...and some others I can't think of right now.
An additional pregnancy related update...I am 23 weeks along and amazed at how good I feel overall. Sleeping well, not too hungry, no aversions, no cravings. In fact this baby likes all the healthier foods we normally eat...Charlotte liked Chocolate milk, McD's milkshakes, burgers, egg mcmuffs, and french fries, anything deep fried or covered in cheese, lasagna etc. This baby prefers the salad bar. Amazing. I almost want to crave the junk food so I have a legitimate excuse to indulge. I have been eating a little more chocolate than usual...accusing poor baby of wanting it...but truthfully I think I'm just giving myself license to eat it because I'm pregnant! I don't even feel unusually hungry. No emergency grilled cheese sandwiches, no late night pints of ice cream...just sensible meals and snacks. I am feeling a little bigger all around then with Charlotte so I wonder if I just needed to gain more weight with her. I was always hungry. Ok..I'm actually feeling a little hungry right now...maybe this baby will crave some grease after all.
So there you go...a little update...nothing too exciting. Thanks,
Danielle, for encouraging me to write even if it's a little dull. And thanks for not thinking my
FlyLady suggestion was totally insane (maybe a little insane).